Confusing of postfwd rules

Postfwd is a nice tool for spam-mail checking and rejecting.
After Google for a lot, I am confusing the rules settings (Version 1.18 on Debian squeeze). As on the official document, there no detail info about the execute order and result should be.

  1. If rules for same object with different action rate like:
    a) id=R_001; rate($$sender/5/60/450 xxx)
    b) id=R_002; rate($$sender/15/600/450 xxx)
    c) id=R_003; rate($$sender/50/3600/450 xxx)
    Postfwd only do the first R_001 and ignore R_002 and R_003 bellow.
  2. For the same sender_domain and recipient_domain, like:
    a) ID=R_004;; action=rate($$client_address/5/60/450 xxx)
    b) ID=R_005;; action=rate($$sender/50/600/450 xxx)
    Postfwd generate cache with object name with email address such as [email protected].
    When [email protected] reached the rate of R_004, if anyone try to send email from other sender_domain to [email protected] at the same time, postfwd ignores the “” rule, just REJECT it. As postfwd uses the cache with the same object name.

Maybe postfwd2 fixed these.

